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6 key moments to keep quiet, you will make a big difference

Knowing how to hold back and keep quiet at the critical moment, you will create a big different result - Talking is a capability. Keep quiet is a wisdom. In our life, it normally takes 2 years to learn talking, but it takes over decades to learn "not to talk". Particularly to those extroverts, they have to take conscious effort to stop talking.

Here are 6 key moments that you should keep quiet

1/ when you have asked a question - stop going on your assumption of answers or reasons why to ask, on and on. You show that you are not asking and not listening. People don't care your question.

2/ when you want someone else to grow - you may be faster and better than others to answer a question or get a job done. But if you let others, specially your juniors or children, take on the responsibility and answer to questions, they will learn to think and grow. They may surprise you too.

3/ when you are showing off, not sharing - when you are posting on facebook of your first class travel, luxury dinner, or expensive handbag, it does not feel sharing but feel showing off. In that case, it's about time to stop it. You don't need to create jealous or envy from others in your life.

4/ when you are clearly boring people - while you are excitedly talking about your personal interesting stories or special experience, please pay attention to your audience too. If you see they are bored, please quickly finish your talking.

5/ when your comments is more about you than the other person - when others are talking about their plan of traveling holiday, dinner to go, the little joys of living, please don't give out comments in your personal interest or experience that may ruin other's plan or idea. You may keep the comments to yourself. Sometimes people just want to share but not asking for advice.

6/ when in negotiation, your opponent starts debating against itself - in business world, it is clear you have to stop talking in negotiation when your opponents start arguing themselves and weaken their own fight. But it also applies when the negotiation is with your boyfriend or husband, or even your children.

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